T Exponents Risk-Driven Security, Compliance, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Services

T Exponents Risk-Driven Security, Compliance and Disaster Recovery Consulting practice combines expertise in strategy, technology, and delivery to execute robust risk-driven security strategies that generate value and mitigate risk quickly!



Let’s discuss Risk-driven Security, Compliance, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. Never as glamorous as a new website launch, tapping into a new market segment or an upcoming acquisition. However, there’s nothing that can reduce market value more, or sideline those activities quicker than making a public announcement that your customers’ sensitive data has been breached.

This can happen through gaps in a trusted vendor’s cyber security, through inadequate incident and breach notification processes or from regulatory agencies that are monitoring you closely. This can result in loss of trust from customers / clients, a “material” fine that could affect business operations, or a loss of data due to inadequate data recovery processes.

Hardly a day goes by without hearing about cyber security, regulatory compliance or “social responsibility” to be prepared with actionable business continuity / disaster recovery plans.


T exponents business critical assessments services

T Exponents’ Risk-driven Assessment practice combines expertise in strategic risk principles and changing regulatory requirements to ensure your business-critical investments (including people, time and money) are providing you the absolute best risk mitigation coverage for your unique set of risks. You can turn to T Exponents with confidence to address these needs!


T Exponents Risk, Security and Compliance Capabilities

Having supported IT Risk, Security and Compliance Services for many large companies, T Exponents is well-equipped to help your company quickly assess and gain a complete view of your organization’s risk profile. We provide a variety of IT Assessment and Transformation services including:

  • Risk-driven Security Strategy & Assessment: T Exponents will provide a one-time or recurring assessment of your enterprise and IT risks to ensure your organizations’ security posture has the most appropriate building blocks in place. A key element to this service is to determine if your security dollars are being used to mitigate your highest risk areas.

  • IT Risk Management: T Exponents will look across your entire IT function and provide guidance on ensuring the practices and controls are aligned with the needs of the organization today and for the foreseeable future.

  • Compliance Management: T Exponents will help manage compliance by offering several levels of engagement including documenting and/or updating compliance-related policies, ensuring adequate and appropriate levels of compliance awareness training exists, best practice background and sanction checks are being performed, etc.

  • Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery: T Exponents will determine the maturity of your Business Continuity Plans and Disaster Recovery Plans, and provide guidance on best practice improvements. T Exponents BC/DR professionals can also assist in updating existing plans or in documenting new plans, as well as coordinating and assisting with various types of drills.

  • Other Security-related Services: T Exponents has relationships with best of class providers that can provide many other security-related services including training, monitoring (SOC-as-a-Service), vulnerability management, penetration testing and more. T Exponents will serve as your advocate in these areas helping ensure your highest risk areas are being adequately addressed.

Why T Exponents

Risk-driven Security, Compliance, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Leadership: Our team is well-qualified to provide your leadership definitive assurance that you are investing your resources where you are gaining the highest level of risk mitigation possible with that investment.

Deep experience (Trust): Over the years, we’ve been asked to help our clients assess, identify, transform and optimize these practices that are so crucial to their success. Our long-standing relationships, experienced leadership (out-of-the-box thinking), management consultant mindset and hands-on experience have allowed us to led efforts for several industries and geographically dispersed organizations. Clients and organizations supported include Amazon, T Mobile, InfoSpace, McCaw Cellular and many others.

Repeatable and Predictable (Experience): T Exponents has high quality, industry best practice standards that our consultants inherently possess and practice.

Value capture: T Exponents, aside from our value proposition, is a true partner that values relationships and can be trusted.We care about your success and are long-term focused.